Tired of having to choose the lesser of two evils?

Here is a candidate you actually want to vote for to be your Burlington County Freeholder.

Michael Sawka
Burlington County Freeholder


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Hello everyone,

I am Michael Sawka and I am sick and tired of the Republicans vs. the Democrats in Politics.  Have you noticed that they can't think for themselves and basically vote with their party whether they believe it is the right thing to do or not.  Take some time and see what I am about by checking out the pages of this website.  I didn't use any polls to come up with my views on issues or to answer any questions.  These are my true feelings and my brain thinking on its own.  If you agree with what I stand for and believe that our political system is currently broken, then consider voting for me and I will bring change to the system.

I am looking for volunteers to help get the word out about me and to help me with information gathering tasks.  Check out the Volunteer page for more information.



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